Energy Efficiency
To achieve the very best energy efficient A-rated windows or Palladio Composite front door it is important that every element of the replacement compliments the product being installed.
An A-rated window is made up of both an A-rated frame and A-rated glass. It is the combination of using both of these energy efficient products that allows us to issue an A-rated Certificate to certify each job. Our multi-chambered window frames and thermally broken A-rated glazed units are designed to conserve heat.
It is as important to use the very best materials as product when installing A-rated windows and Palladio Composite doors. We use FM330 pro foam air seal. This is high performance PU foam with excellent acoustic and airtight performance. Our high performance silicone is impervious to water, meaning water can’t get through it and will never break it down. Once cured, it also does not change or degrade—no shrinking, hardening, cracking or crumbling—so gaps and cracks, which could allow unwanted air to seep through. Using these top quality materials will insure you’re A-rated windows or your Palladio Composite door will stand the test of time.
Survey & Instillation
Our company surveyor measures all jobs before manufacturing. This element of the job is vital as the window and door frames must be manufactured to the millimetre to insure a snug fit for window or door frames. The company surveyor will be on site during your window or door replacement to oversee the instillation.