July 05 2021 0Comment
classic window replacement

What Are A-Rated Windows?

When the winter season sets in Dublin, it can get really cold, even indoors. And when it gets cold, our heating bills go up, and so does our carbon footprint!

Classic Window Replacements specializes in A-rated windows in Dublin, which enhance the energy efficiency rating of any home. A-rated windows are designed to keep your house warmer, which in turn reduces both your heating bills and your carbon footprint.

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at what A-rated windows are, what types of A-rated windows there are, and why you might possibly invest in them for your home. 

What Does A-Rated Refer To? 

A-rated is an energy rating that covers the overall energy efficiency of a window (including both the frame and the glass). 

See, while it’s easy to think that a double-glazed window by itself should be enough to warm up your house and make it more energy-efficient, there are actually grades of double-glazed windows:

  • A-rated
  • B-rated
  • C-rated
  • Others

A-rated windows are at the top of the list because they are the best performance-wise when it comes to energy efficiency. To get this rating, factors taken into account include heat loss, air leakage and solar gain. 

A-rated windows, then, perform better than both B and C-rated windows when it comes to ROI (return on investment), but this doesn’t always mean that they are the absolute best type of window for every customer.

Let’s take a closer look at what you get with A-rated windows. 

What Are The Benefits Of A-Rated Windows In Dublin? 

As mentioned, A-rated windows are the most energy-efficient type of window you can buy. At Classic Windows, our A-rated windows come in a choice of double glazing, triple glazing and acoustic glass.  There are numerous benefits when you invest in A-rated windows:

You’ll Reduce Your Energy Bills 

Heat loss at home happens, and one of the prime reasons it happens is because of our windows. Ergo, if your windows conserve as much heat as possible (don’t lose as much), you will require less energy to keep your house warm. As a result, homeowners in Dublin could potentially save hundreds each year if they invest in A-rated windows. 

You’ll Reduce Your Carbon Footprint 

At Classic Window Replacements, we know how important it is that we all do our bit when it comes to the environment. If you’re concerned about your own carbon footprint, the good news is that A-rated windows help you reduce it simply by lowering the amount of energy needed to keep your home warm all year round. 

You’ll Feel More Comfortable 

There’s nothing quite like getting all snug around the fire on a cold, Irish wintry night! Hot soup, slippers … but what about those nasty draughts?!

If your home has been blighted by draughts over the years, A-rated windows solve this particular problem by either eliminating cold spots altogether or at least reducing them. 

You’ll Notice Less Noise

Another key reason homeowners in Dublin invest in A-rated windows is because they help to reduce noise pollution. 

If you live in an area where external noises are often getting into your house and intruding on your peace and quiet, A-rated windows offer extra soundproofing so that – while they may not completely solve the problem if you live in an area where noise pollution is really severe – they could go some way to eradicating mild noise issues. 

What Are A-Rated WindowsWhy Might I Not Buy A-Rated Windows Dublin? 

It would seem that the benefits of A-rated windows make them a no-brainer for most homeowners, especially those who live in Dublin, where winters can get especially frosty!

However, it’s worth bearing in mind that A-rated windows cost more in the short term than B-rated windows and C-rated windows. 

In terms of the upfront cost, though, there isn’t too much to separate A-rated windows from B-rated windows, but you do benefit over the long term via much lower energy bills.

C-rated windows, on the other hand, are ideal for homeowners who are on a much stricter budget. They cost less to buy upfront, but it’s unlikely that they will save you as much money over the long-term on your energy bills. So, really, it’s all about getting the balance and your priorities right before you make a decision. 

Should I Invest In Double Glazed Or Triple Glazed A-Rated Windows? 

At Classic Window Replacements, we sell a choice of A-rated windows that come with a soft coat low e glass on the inside of the pane to reflect heat:

Double glazed windows are, of course, a big step-up from single pane windows when it comes to energy efficiency. Triple glazed windows, meanwhile, represent a step-up from double glazed windows and will make your home even more energy-efficient. They are, however, more expensive upfront. 

So are A-rated triple glazed windows worth the initial outlay? 

It all comes down to your needs. Thanks to thicker glass, triple glazed windows are more beneficial for those who live in noisy areas and want to cut out external noises. 

However, going for triple glazed A-rated windows instead of double glazed A-rated windows might not necessarily have much of an impact. It depends entirely on your noise situation, which is why it’s a smart idea to speak to one of our staff. 

From a cost perspective, then, triple glazing only makes sense if you truly need to reduce severe noise pollution and heat up your home much more. 

Final Thoughts 

A-rated windows enhance the energy rating of your home and can be a great long-term investment that keeps you warmer and lower your energy bills.

If you’re still not sure whether they’re the right option for you, feel free to give us a call today or pop into our showroom for a chat and a cup of tea.