October 02 2019 0Comment
Is It Time for a New Patio Door 5 Signs that Say It Is

Is It Time for a New Patio Door? 5 Signs that Say It Is

If your patio door is old, dated or damaged, you may experience some adverse effects inside of your home.

Leaving such flawed doors in place can lead to a lower quality of life inside your home, decreased functionality, as well as lower energy efficiency.

The quality and functionality of your patio doors are, therefore, very important and, if the time has come, you shouldn’t hesitate to replace them.

And how will you know when the time has come? When you notice any of the following issues.

Your Patio Door Is Hard to Operate

Some of the first alarming signs that your door has aged and lost its functionality include: difficulty while opening or closing it, it gets stuck often, loud sounds when operating it, and similar.

While you may dismiss these issues at first and think of them as just minor glitches, they are clear signs that your door is dated or damaged and that you need a new one.

These issues usually happen on doors with low-quality or dated materials. At Classic, we offer UPVC sliding patio doors that use sophisticated technology which makes them very easy to operate.

There Are Visible Cracks or Gaps

When large and quite visible gaps or cracks appear around your door, it is high time to call your window and door contractor.

These cracks can let in anything from cold air and rainwater to different critters and pests, causing serious problems to you and your household.

These gaps can occur if your door is tilted, if it is not fixed in its frame, due to old age, wear and tear or if materials prone to deterioration are used, such as wood.

You Can Feel Drafts Near the Door

If you notice a change in temperature when standing near your patio door, it means that it is not functioning right.

Depending on the season, drafts of cold or hot air around the door significantly affect your energy efficiency, causing you to increase your energy consumption and with it, your monthly bills.

Replacing your current patio door with an energy-efficient solution, such as A-rated sliding patio door, will increase both the comfort and efficiency of your home.

There Are Signs of Leaks and Moisture

It is not only the roofs that can leak but doors as well. The leaks can come in even through the smallest of openings – you don’t have to have big gaps to be at risk.

Therefore, if you notice any signs of water or moisture coming into your home when it rains, it is recommended to replace your patio door as soon as possible.

Your Door Style Is Outdated

Last but not least, the door’s style may be your first and primary reason for a replacement.

Even if your door is functioning properly, it may be very outdated when it comes to its style and colour, for example, and clashing with the rest of your home.

Replacing it with a beautiful, elegant, as well as efficient and safe new patio door will be a great long-term and cost-effective decision.


If you are experiencing any of the above issues with your patio door, it is probably time to install a new one.

Contact Classic Window Replacements for a free quotation and we will make sure to provide you with the best quality sliding patio doors in Dubin.